Howdy, iam Josephine Landry, Enjoy the rest of your day.

Why Does My Puppy Only Bark And Bite Me?

Barking is a dog’s way of communicating to humans, letting us know that he needs something (food, water, or intangible needs like affection and reassurance) or warning us of approaching intruders. Biting, when done without aggression, is usually a desperate attempt to get a person’s attention.

The BIGGEST Mistake People Make With A Puppy Biting Problem

If you have a

Why Dogs Bark at Some Strangers, but Not Others

If you live with a

This German Shepherd Puppy Is A ‘HELL RAISER’ | Full Episode | It’s Me or the Dog

This ‘hell raising’ German Shepherd is out of control! The owners are scared she will attack somebody.