Namaste, iam Deidre Beauchamp, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

How Often Should A Chihuahua Be Bathed?

once every three months The general rule of thumb seems to suggest once a month is about right and once every three months is the minimum. A good reason for bathing your chihuahua is the opportunity to check for skin abrasions, lumps, fleas and bites. They are much easier to see when their fur is wet.Sep 30, 2018

How Often Should I Bathe My Dog?


Grooming a Chihuahua - Brushing, Bathing, Coat, Eyes, Ears, Nails & Dental Care


How to bathe your Chihuahua

I have been a certified dog groomer for 18 years, and I’m also the owner of 4 beautiful