Hello, iam Mary Yoxall, Today’s going to be an amazing day for you. I can feel it!

How Much Of A Tendon Is Water?

Abstract. Tendons consist of collagen (mostly type I collagen) and elastin embedded in a proteoglycan-water matrix with collagen accounting for 65-80% and elastin approximately 1-2% of the dry mass of the tendon.

Blood Flow and Tendon Healing

Have you heard that the blood flow to a

Achilles Tendon Repair

This animation illustrates the repair of a torn Achilles

#FastFasciaFacts EP08 - Tendon and Ligament Health, Conscious Interoception and Fascial Hydration

Learn a free KINETIX PARTNER technique: www.mobilitymastery.com/free-resources This is our 8th and FINAL #FastFasciaFacts …