Hola, iam Stacey Kaminski, Have a two coffee day!

How Do I Stop My Pit Bull Puppy From Peeing And Pooping In The House?

Set up a routine where she is taken outside every couple of hours. Establish a place in the yard where she is to potty, and take her to that same spot every time. Use a leash. Allow her to sniff around and get used to going to that spot, even if she doesn’t do anything.

What To Do If Your Dog Is Peeing & Pooping Inside - Tips From Al The Dog Trainer

This is a big struggle for a lot of people. If this is you, let me help you get this under control. There are some useful tips in this video …

How To Stop Your Puppy From Peeing Indoors


How to stop your pet from peeing and pooping indoors.

My dog