Namaste, iam Susan Martin, Buongiorno.

Can You Bathe A Puppy At 8 Weeks Old?

You mustn’t bathe your puppy before the age of 7-8 weeks. At this age, they cannot control their temperature and will not warm themselves up after a bath. It could make them ill. From 8 weeks onwards, the general rule is to bathe your puppy once a month.Jul 2, 2021

How to bathe 8 week old puppy, STEP BY STEP TUTORIAL - Maltese puppy’s first bath


Can you bathe a puppy at 8 weeks old?

Can you bathe a puppy at 8 weeks old

First Bath For Kenzi - Cutest 8 Week Old Golden Retriever

Welcome to the first video with Kenzi! Today she is having her first