Hello, iam Aaron Ollis, I hope your day is great!

Are Kippers Like Sardines?

They both belong to the family Clupeidae, so they’re similar in many ways. Most kippers are Atlantic Herring, while sardines are usually Pilchard or Sprat, though many different fish both within and outside of family Clupidae are sometimes labeled as sardines, including Atlantic Herring.

Top 3 Best Fish vs. Worst Fish to Eat: Thomas DeLauer

Mercury is known to cause many health problems and is especially dangerous for children and women who are or may become …

What the Heck is a Kipper Snack? [Tinned Fish Review]

Well, it’s time for yet another TINNED FISH REVIEW, and in this episode, I seek to discover just what a

Healthiest and Worst Canned Fish - Buy THIS not THAT

Special Thanks to my team and Nicholas Norwitz - Oxford Ketone PhD Researcher and Harvard Med Student - for working …